Jim Weston | 35 Years in CASARA NB


Jim and son Chayce in their Cherokee, which has been in the Weston family for 41 years

CASARA’s anniversary provides an opportunity to recognize members with 35 years of continuous service. Jim Weston of Fredericton is one. At 18 he was eager to put his PPC and love of flight to use. When asked why CASARA? he replied “I enjoy everything aviation and CASARA provides the opportunity to take that passion and use it to help people. “Beyond the cockpit Jim has held a seat at all three levels of CASARA but it is his love of flying keeps him in the seat he prefers the most, the pilot’s seat. Jim thinks the most important role CASARA plays “is taking some of the load off of SAR so they have the resources available when serious emergencies happen”. To CASARA’s benefit the love of aviation instilled by his father Fred now 82 (charter member Florenceville NB) runs deep in the Weston family. Jim says of his son “Chayce now 12, has been on the controls since he was 4, he loves flying and is constantly asking to go up”.

Thank you and congratulations to Jim on his 35 years of service this year, we wouldn't be here without the dedication and commitment from members like yourself!